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Choosing the Best Location for Your Home Safe

Crime is common throughout the U.S., which means you can never be too careful. According to FBI data, there is a burglary every 15 seconds. That means that your home may not be quite as safe as you assume. And with our increasing reliance on expensive technology, every homeowner or renter is a target. Keeping a laptop in a safe is not being over reactionary in today's world; it's being cautious -- and for good reason.

Thieves today are savvy about what they steal. In addition to potentially selling your laptop for cash, criminals also know that your laptop is a goldmine of information that can help them to steal your identity and run up debt in your name. Of course, getting the best results from any type of safe -- including a laptop safe, floor safe, gun safes, and other types of safes -- depends on several factors. The first factor is getting used to keeping your valuables in safes at all. The next most important factor is the location of your safe.

Here is Where NOT To Keep a Safe

If you had to guess where most people keep their laptop safes, what would your guess be? If you guessed that many people make the mistake of keeping their safety in the master bedroom, you'd be right. It's only natural to want to keep your valuables nearby -- and thieves know that. According to crime statistics, the first place a burglar heads to is the master bedroom. It is a very popular place for people to keep their valuables. Locating your safe somewhere else in the home might be a better idea. After all, if a criminal isn't even able to find your safe, the greater the chance that you'll retain your most important possessions. Clearly, a safe adds that layer of protection that you want. But in the case of a desperate burglar, making a safe easy to find can result in damage to this vessel. It is always best to keep your safe somewhere other than the master bedroom.

Smart Location Ideas

There are a few places in the home that a burglar is not likely to look for valuables including:

  • The laundry room
  • A child’s room
  • A bookshelf in the living room or den
  • Pantry

Choosing an unexpected location for your safety can help to enhance security. Think of a location in your home that you wouldn't expect to find a laptop in a safe. That's precisely where your safe should go. For example, for a laptop safe that is tucked into a bookshelf is less obvious than one stashed in your bedroom closet.

Give it Some Thought

Safes are essential, but you can take another step to ensure your possessions are protected from damage and loss. Help your safe to get the job done by giving some thought to where you will locate the safe. Keeping a laptop in a safe is a smart move, but choosing the right location is even a smarter move. The right location can make sure you get the most out of your safe.
