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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Merry Christmas! You’ve just gotten a new gun - perhaps your first gun ever. But with great power comes great responsibility. We’ll teach you how to care for your gun - preserving the weapon’s value and keeping yourself safe.
  • 2 min read
Let’s be honest here. Everybody wants a vault. Owning a custom home vault is the dream of pretty much everybody interested in home security and safes and for good reason. When it comes to space and security there’s nothing that can beat a well-built vault.  
Are gun safes water proof? This question is asked by many of our customers and the truth is, there are NO gun safes to our knowledge that are "water proof". Many people are misled by other companies that a water proof gun safe exists. Most all gun safes use a "Paulsel Seal" around the door named for the inventor. This seal expands to 5 times its size when a fire is burning outside the gun safe. (heat activated) The seal will help make the gun safe SOMEWHAT water and/or smoke "resistant" but not smoke or water proof.

Storing your firearms in a safe is both a matter of safety as well as security so it is important to stay on point, be informed, and adhere to the proper guidelines. 

Folks have always said that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. This is especially the case with gun safes. People all over the country believe that the biggest safes are the best safes. But what most people don’t recognize is that this not necessarily the case. Big safes are not only more expensive but could also present a special challenge that may or may not result in numerous difficulties. Before you start shopping around for the biggest gun safe, you first need to ask yourself why this kind of purchase is necessary. To answer this, you need to answer several types of questions.  
The Sun Welding H48 Home Gun Safe is a uniquely inexpensive full-size fire-rated rifle safe. Despite its low price at a bit over $900, this safe makes no concessions to build quality or materials and even comes with a full lifetime warranty. 
We have expert safe builders who know all the tricks of the trade, ready to create the ultimate safe just for you. Whether you need an odd size or you want extra fire protection, we can do something for you.
For those of you who have unusually large firearm collections, or have home businesses that require large amounts of documents or other important storage features, a built in vault may be the best option.  
One common question we get here at Safe & Vault Store is: What type of people need to buy a gun locker? It’s not as if everybody that owns a gun has more than one or two. In a way, this is very much true. The people who require a gun locker are those who own multiple weapons. But the number of people who fall into this category is much larger than you might think.
  • 3 min read
When it comes to gun safes, it’s all about construction. Indeed, what the safe is made of and how it is all put together should be one of the first things you look at. Many safes appear safe, giving the illusion of impenetrability. However, while this does deter some people, such as amateur burglars just looking for a quick buck, the simple look of security does not do the trick. So when you are looking for the perfect gun safe, be sure to follow these steps while you’re narrowing down the big boys from the lightweights.  
