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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

Guns and children are certainly not the most savory of combinations. This is one of the reasons we buy gun safes. In fact, many states will require guns to be stored in locked containers when children (under 18) are present in the household. 
You have worked hard to build up your business and earn a profit. That is not an easy task and you want to protect those earnings as best you can. Because of this, the safety of your assets is a high priority for you and your business. 
  • 2 min read
Safely handling large amounts of money is one of the potentially most risky activities in modern business. Keeping cash in an unsecured till shows a green light to any potential thief, and having to open and close your safe every time you want to deposit cash also leaves you vulnerable and is inconvenient. 
While many might claim (and rightfully so) that Fort Knox is the most well guarded place on the planet there are other criteria to take into account when posing the question: what is the safest place on earth? 
  • 2 min read
Let’s be honest here. Everybody wants a vault. Owning a custom home vault is the dream of pretty much everybody interested in home security and safes and for good reason. When it comes to space and security there’s nothing that can beat a well-built vault.  
As any history buff of the mid-1800s and the turn of the century knows, safes have played an important role in the development of business, commerce, and outlaw gangs in the United States. 
Are Burglary Fire Safes Better Than Burglary Safes? This question is very hard to answer at first glance. The only way this question can be properly answered is by greatly examining both safes.
You’ve probably noticed that our website and our company is called Safe and Vault Store, right? Well, we’ve been getting a few questions lately about what exactly the difference between a safe and a vault is. Most of us use these words interchangeably but there are some key differences to be aware of when using these terms.  
Schools across the country face security problems every day just like major business complexes do. Still, school shootings persist and the media accentuates the violence that is happening across the country with a tale of “this can happen to your community” type message.  
  • 2 min read
Glass plate relockers represent the pinnacle of safe security and a great option to protect your valuables from unwanted intruders. 
  • 2 min read
Fireproof safes are quickly becoming the industry standard and can offer a great amount of utility in the preservation of documents and other potentially flammable materials. However, have you ever wondered exactly how these safes are fireproofed? It’s not quite as simple as it may seem and there are a lot of different methods as well as regular innovations to the fireproofing methods.
