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CVS, Walgreens to Implement Time Delay Pharmacy Safes in All Locations

CVS, Walgreens to Implement Time Delay Pharmacy Safes in All Locations

CVS is serious about preventing pharmacy robberies. They have already installed time delay pharmacy safes in their locations in 45 states. And they project to have these enhanced pharmacy safes inall their locations by the end of 2023. The safes—which are often targeted for the narcotics and opioids contained inside—are equipped with time delays programmed into them, preventing a safe from being immediately opened.

And it is working. According to CVS, the already installed pharmacy safes have resulted in a 50 percent decrease in robberies. And they're not alone in this fight— Walgreens plans to implement time delay safes in nearly all its locations. Time delay safes and prominently displayed signage indicating that these safes are being used are helping protect pharmacists, employees, and customers from dangerous robberies. Each safe has a time delay function that cannot be overridden. When an order is put in for opioids or other controlled substances, there is a time delay between the pharmacy worker's request and the opening of the safe. The objective is to dissuade potential robbers—they won't want to stick around any longer and risk getting caught.

CVS rolls out time delay safes at all 133 Louisiana Locations to curb crime

Reach Out to a Safe Professional

SafeandVaultStore.com is one of the nation's top online retailers for safes and vaults. Not only do we carry a superior selection of top-notch safes for businesses of any size, our team of dedicated safe professionals are friendly, knowledgeable, and ready to share their expertise with you. Providing you and your employees with an extra layer of safety is what we do best. Reach out to a safe professional at Safe and Vault Store today and we'll help you find the perfect pharmacy safe for your business.

Explore Pharmacy Safes at SafeandVaultStore.com

Explore the optimal selection of pharmacy safes at SafeandVaultStore.com and discover how time delay pharmacy safes can reduce theft and diversion of prescription medication.  

The AMSEC NARCO3824 Narcotics Pharmacy Safe is an excellent option. Built to the Board of Pharmacy specifications, the AMSEC NARCO3824 meets the requirements for storing Schedule 3, 4, and 5 drugs—boasting a ½" solid steel door and an 11 gauge steel body. Easily organize contents inside with six roll-out trays with adjustable dividers. The powerful ESLAudit Trail Electronic Lock supports up to 40 users—each configurable to a unique code. The time delay functionality and dual control mode—requiring two users' pin codes to open the safe—offers greater protection. And if the wrong combination is attempted four times in a row, the user is locked out for 15 minutes.  


Find the Right Pharmacy Safe

At the Safe and Vault Store, our talented team of safe professionals can answer any questions you have about choosing a pharmacy safe. We'll help you find just the right safe to meet your specific needs and budget. We're here to help.

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The AMSEC NARCO3824 Narcotics Pharmacy Safe is the ideal solution for secure storage of controlled substances, meeting regulations for Schedule 3, 4, and 5 drugs. With a solid steel outer door and an 11 gauge steel body, this pharmacy safe is built to withstand even the most determined thieves.

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