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The FBI conducted more than 4.3 million gun background checks in January 2021

Statistics representing the number of firearms background checks initiated through the NICS from November 1998 to January 31, 2021. Source: Fbi.gov

President Joe Biden's plan to streamline the firearms sector has resulted in a flurry of gun-buying activity as citizens rush to claim their 2nd amendment right to provide for their safety. The FBI has released data for background checks carried out in January showing that guns are being bought at a blistering pace according to experts. 

FBI Data; 4.3 Million Firearm Background Checks Initiated In January 2021

In January, 4.3 million firearm background checks were initiated by the NCIS or National Instant Criminal Background Check department of the FBI. Up from 300,000 in December 2020, and with the three of the top ten weeks being last month, this is the highest number of gun purchases on record. 

The NSSF adjusts this figure to 2 million new gun license holders by subtracting permit checks and rechecks, plus background code permit checks for active concealed carry. Still, this is a jump compared to similarly adjusted figures for January 2020, when the figure was 1.1 million.

Tighter Gun Regulations are Coming Soon

According to the National Shooting Foundation's director of Public Affairs Mark Olivia, the Biden administration is set to undo and rewrite regulations that will target the gun industry. And if you are unsure of how likely this may be, check out a few of the newly formed cabinet members and their history in regard to gun control.

Source: Guns.com

Xavier Becerra – A former California Attorney General, Becerra helped support increasingly stronger gun bans and restrictions on the state's 13 million legal firearms owners. While a senator in Congress, he also voted in favor of bills to implement expanded background checks and sponsored the National Crime Gun Identification Act of 2008 – a failed federal firearms microstamping mandate. While the state's "top cop," he repeatedly increased oversight on guns, going so far as suing the ATF to force federal regulators to lower the boom on so-called "80-percent" lowers and kits. Under Biden, Becerra is set to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Pete Buttigieg – The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and a longtime member of Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns group, Buttigieg had a sweeping plan to stomp out the American gun industry during his failed Presidential run in 2019. This was to include a nationwide ban on "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines" and the implementation of gun licensing for models not outlawed. Buttigieg was confirmed as the Biden Administration’s Transportation Secretary. 

Marcia Fudge – A longtime Congresswoman representing the Cleveland and Akron urban centers of Ohio on Capitol Hill, Fudge signed on to most of the big gun control bills in the House in the past decade. She was a repeated and vocal champion of prohibiting "civilian purchase of high-capacity ammunition clips, drums or magazines; and banning assault weapons." Biden nominated Fudge as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Senate Housing Committee advanced her nomination to a floor vote last week. 

Merrick Garland – Nominated in 2016 by Obama to fill the late Justice Antonin Scalia's open seat on the Supreme Court, federal Judge Merrick Garland was described at the time by pro-groups as the “most anti-gun nominee in recent history.” Gun law scholar, attorney David Kopel, told Guns.com then that “A vote for Merrick Garland is a vote to repeal the Second Amendment." Garland is Biden's Attorney General-Designate.

In a speculative statement on upcoming executive actions, Olivia cited the promises to try and repeal theProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) is a United States law which protects firearms manufacturers and dealers from being held liable when crimes have been committed with their products. However, both manufacturers and dealers can still be held liable for damages resulting from defective products, breach of contract, criminal misconduct, and other actions for which they are directly responsible in much the same manner that any U.S.-based manufacturer of consumer products is held responsible. They may also be held liable for negligent entrustment when they have reason to know a gun is intended for use in a crime.

There are also plans to slap a ban on AR15 style rifles, as well as freezing the Fair Access Banking Rule, which is anticipated to be incredibly short lived under the new administration.  

TheFair Access Banking Rule aims at preventing larger banks from cutting off services to customers—individual or corporate—based on what some characterize as political motivations rather than purely business calculations

Gun Shop Owners Feel the Effects of Nationwide Ammo Supply Shortage

2020 proved to be a record year for firearm purchases, and with that comes longer waits for background checks, a supply shortage of firearms and also a shortage of ammunition. 

“You start to throw in all these new buyers, all the people who are already using, and you start to throw in a little bit of the panic effect that goes with seeing bare shelves. You kind of get a picture of why it’s been so difficult to find the ammunition we need.”

Oliva said it’s uncertain when manufacturers will catch up to the heightened demand for ammunition.

“We are probably going to have elevated buying that is going to go well into this year, how long that goes on for will really be dictated by the opening moves of the Biden administration when it comes to gun control,” Oliva said.

Gun Safes Are a Vital Part of Owning a Firearm

Whether you approve of the idea of owning a gun or not, I think we can all agree that storing a firearm in a locked container is always worth supporting. Gun owners' top priority should be to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands, while still ensuring ease of access should the need to use a firearm arise. Features of secure gun safes include: size, weight, a secure lock, resistance to fire, quality construction, and plenty of space for all of your weapons and ammunition. 

Helpful article: Top features of secure gun safes 

Browse our selection of gun safes, and if you have any questions, feel free to chat with our gun safe professionals or call us at 800-207-2259 with any questions!


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