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How Can I Secure A Gun Safe In An Apartment?

When you own a firearm, you need to keep it secure in a gun safe. But it can be tricky to set up a safe in your home when you're living in an apartment. Odds are your landlord won't be too happy when you drill holes into their floor. What can you do to ensure your gun safe is secure without securing it with bolts? Consider the following rental-friendly ways you can help keep your safe secure in your apartment without angering your landlord.

Bolt your safe to the wall instead of the floor

Not every landlord will be keen on you bolting your safe to the wall instead of the floor, so be sure to ask before going with this method. If you're allowed to bolt your safe to the wall, start your project by finding the location you want to use for your safe. It's recommended to choose a corner so you can bolt the safe to two walls rather than one. After you've chosen where your safe will go, you need to find the studs. Your safe won't be secure if you're bolting it to drywall that can be easily torn away by a burglar. It's recommended to hire professionals to help bolt your safe to the studs. This is because you'll need to drill holes into your safe walls that line up directly with the center of the studs you're bolting it to. Remember, if your vault has a fire rating you will void the warranty by drilling holes in the body of the safe. Check the manufacturer's instructions before you start drilling.

Bolt your safe to a steel slab

Start by acquiring a heavy-duty steel slab that's about a quarter of an inch thick and larger than the width of your doorframe. Because the steel slab is larger than the door, it'll prevent a burglar from quickly grabbing it and leaving. Place the slab where you want your safe and mount the safe on top of it by using the bolt down holes on the bottom of your safe. For a burglar to remove the safe, they would need to cut through the slab, which would be a difficult and time-consuming task no burglar would want to do.

Use a safe which is too heavy and large to easily steal

The SnapSafe modular safe systemis delivered in pieces and is designed to be put together in your apartment, giving you the ability to have a full-sized safe in small quarters. The specially designed system is fire-rated and every bit as strong as a welded safe.

Where can I find gun safes for my apartment?

It's important to keep your firearm locked away to prevent someone else from accessing it. Approximately 2 million home burglaries are reported every year in the U.S. and 90% of them are never solved. You may have renter's insurance, but your gun safe is the insurance you need for your firearm. Safe and Vault Store offers a wide variety of gun safes you can use to protect your firearm in your apartment and prevent unauthorized access. To learn more about our gun safes, laptop safes, or safe accessories, contact the Safe and Vault Store today.


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