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Expert Advice on Safes and Vault Doors

This video "Safe Anchoring System demo" shows the importance of the need to bolt your safe to a solid surface. In the video, a safe is bolted to a concrete pad. A forklift is being used to hit the safe and try and dislodge it from the ground. You can see that with a safe bolted correctly, even a heavy-duty forklift cannot remove it from the ground.
Everyone knows that a safe is only as secure as its fastening system. Unless you have a built in wall or floor safe, consider bolting your safe into concrete to ensure that no thieves will be able to walk off with the whole safe where they can break it open at their leisure and without the pressure of being unwanted in another person’s home. This description is from ConFast—our preferred concrete fastening service provider:

While safes are generally pretty standalone there are always a few ways to make the experience better and ensure that you have all of your needs taken care of. Safe accessories range from humidity control to organizational tools and lights and while not always necessary they can still be an important facet to home or business storage. Here we’ll look at some of the more important accessories and you can decide for yourself what is necessary and what is not. 


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